
Line Twisting

Norwich based balloon man Nick Twist arrives!

‘Wow! Your balloons are pure art’ Jake Humphrey, BT Sports presenter.

‘The best balloon modeller I have ever seen’ P&O Cruise (Entertainments) Director



‘The balloon man is here!’

This is what the children will say when they see Nick’s Line Twisting station at your party, wedding or event! He sets up in a small area and your guests gather around excitedly and await their turn for a balloon!  This option is traditionally called line twisting by a balloon artist because guests ‘line up’ and wait.

Based in Norwich, Nick Twist is a premier balloon modeller, balloon man or balloon artist – whatever you wish to call him! His work is guaranteed to impress your child and adult guests – or your money back. He amazes your guests as he produces unicorns, princesses with the cutest faces EVER, Star Wars characters, motorbikes, large wearable animals and flashing aliens with real LED lights! What could possibly go wrong?

What can I expect from Nick Twist?

He is not a traditional balloon modeller. He is a contemporary, high-class entertainer focusing on wowing your guests so that they remember your event for years to come. You will not see any boring dogs or swords here! Nick twists fabulous princesses, headbands, aliens, cartoon characters, light sabres, shields and more…

He doesn’t like to bore his awaiting friends either! He entertains the ‘line’ with his magic and balloons giving each guest their chance to feature in their very own ‘mini show’ when they are up for a balloon.  Not only will those gathering around you enjoy the fun, but your other guests at your event will be watching from afar and enjoying the models and magic being created: so don’t feel only those in line get entertained!Girl enjoying a balloon built by Nck Twist - Balloon modeller in norwich.

Line twisting is perfect for almost any event. So book Nick Twist, now!

Balloon entertainment at Norfolk wedding


Magician NorwichNick has been trusted by so many in the past and booked, year after year by these great companies:

Nick Twist - come to my event!

Click here for a free, no obligation quote sent straight to your inbox.

Includes a FREE planning guide for parties or weddings! Just ask for it in the comments box.

Just want to order a birthday balloon?